Teamwork with tax authorities takes away a lot of time, nerves and efforts from any business owner in Israel. The choice of optimal tax rate and the competent filing of annual and other reports, correct keeping of accounting records determine, to a large extent, how successful and profitable your enterprise will be. At the same time, mistakes in these cases may very unpleasantly backfire and lead to penalties from the tax authorities. The company “Shmuel Brodetski Rohe Heshbon" will provide you with a full range of tax consultations and will guide your business through all state institutions with minimal losses of funds and efforts. We will help you to avoid communication with the tax authorities and optimize the rate of payments within the law.
Our services:
Help in choosing the optimal tax system before starting a new business.
There is very entertaining statistics. The average Israeli citizen works 182 days a year exclusively to pay all tax deductions (both direct and indirect). With business, the situation is not much different. There are really a lot of tax deductions for businesses in Israel, and they are very plentiful. It is also very difficult for an ordinary person to see the system of their accrual and payment. For example, each enterprise is obliged to make monthly advance payments for income tax. Naturally, within a year the income of companies can vary very much (for example, in the seasonal business), but it is very difficult to independently review the amount of the mandatory advance payment (which is formed at the beginning of the fiscal year). Therefore, entrepreneurs have to wait until the annual report and only then receive compensation for overpaid funds and lose profits, by not bringing the money into requisition in time. This is just one example of the complexities in the Israeli taxation system, in fact, they are much more numerous and the ordinary entrepreneur can spend several years and a lot of money to thoroughly study them, or delegate the issue of tax administration to a professional.
Tax Advisor – Israeli Taxes Guide
A tax advisor is a licensed specialist. Training in the specialty takes two years, plus one year of work experience is required. In terms of professional competence, a tax advisor is placed between an accountant with sug (level) 3 and a roe heshbon (auditor).
Responsibilities of a tax advisor:
to provide consultations on matters of taxation to private individuals (tax remissions, real estate purchases/sales, inheritance, large income) and companies (tax optimization within the framework of the law, tax breaks for an individual entrepreneur, reporting);
to draw up and to submit a declaration of assets, regular and annual reports of the company;
may, through a power of attorney, represent his clients, both individuals and legal entities (Osek Patur and Osek Murshe, but NOT Khevra Baam), in Mas Hakhnasa, Maam and Bituakh Leumi.
Why is it profitable to order a consultation on taxes with specialized specialists?
Security. Israeli fiscal authorities very strictly refer to different schemes of “gray" minimization of tax deductions. In order to avoid criminal liability because of an illegal, in the opinion of inspectors, way to avoid taxes, to minimize payments it is important to apply for tax advice to professionals who work within the legal framework.
Speed. Experts better know all the nuances of legislation and the work of government agencies, so even those actions that may take you several days, an experienced rohe heshbon will perform much faster.
The possibility of resolving disputed issues. A case law is applicable in Israel. It does not always give clear answers to all ambiguous situations in the relationships between businesses and tax authorities. Therefore, the best solution will be to delegate communication with government agencies to experienced professionals who will be able to reach a compromise and to defend a position that is rewarding for business with a maximally profitable solution.
Without errors. In order to receive tax benefits or a refund, it is necessary that all accounting statements are filled out properly to the maximum extent. The best can be done by an experienced rohe heshbon, who will perfectly appreciate not only the financial nuances, but also all the needs of the business as a whole.
Five reasons to apply for tax advice to “Shmuel Brodetski Rohe Heshbon":
We speak English, Russian and Hebrew. Therefore, our services are perfect for both the new immigrants and the residents of the country.
We work with Hevra Ba’am. Only a Roe Heshbon has the right to certify annual reports for large companies. Why pay twice for maintaining accounting and signatures, if you can get all the services in one place?
Legitimacy. We will help you to optimize your tax deductions under Israeli law. No “gray" schemes and ambiguous decisions.
We are your “financial doctor". By turning to “Shmuel Brodetski Rohe Heshbon" you get not just a small “treatment of symptoms" in the form of a reduction in one of the taxes. Instead, we will globally evaluate all the “financial illnesses" of your business (real and potential) and suggest the best ways to “cure" them.
Enough to give away your money to the state – please contact “Shmuel Brodetsky Roe Heshbon" and we will help you to optimize your taxesи!